Thursday, February 05, 2009
Another female athlete still waiting for my title and estate
"Lady" is the formal equivalent of "Lord" or "gentleman". Unless it's made up entirely of British aristocrats, it is a women's sport/event/competition.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Meet the Stupid

DeNiro makes a deal with the douchebag, OR
Suggest your own caption in the commments section!
I mean speaking, of course, of the totally irredeemable "comedy" Meet the Parents, which I saw on the plane during one of my frequents trips home from school, and by "saw" I mean "watched the first five minutes with interest and then slowly grew angrier and angrier as the plot unfolded before turning it off and trying to avert my eyes from the other screens lest my rage overwhelm me to the point that I must be tackled and restrained while trying to use the emergency exit at 10,000 feet".
Rather than recap the whole film (because, obviously, I didn't see the whole thing) let me present to you the scene in which two anonymous douchebags come up with the story:
DB1: Okay, so, our main guy, he's gotta be funny. How can we make him funny?Hmmm...He could be well-written and the centrepiece of a clever film? [pause] Naw, that's too hard.
DB2: Let's give him a funny name, like 'Weiner'.
DB1: Naw, too obvious...kay, let's get back to that f***ker later.
DB2: Focker! Awesome.
DB1: Awesome! [high-fives]
DB2: Okay, now we need to give him, like, a funny job. Something really, outhouse cleaner or something.
DB1: Hey, you know what's really funny to my emotionally-stunted mind? When men engage in activities considered by our society to be feminine, which, by illustrating the arbitrariness of gender boundaries and calling into question the rigid social structures based upon these boundaries, challenges my own innate sense of privilege based on my manly superiority to women.
DB2: Uh...what?
DB1: It's totally funny when dudes do chick stuff.
DB2: Yeah! Like, I have this cousin, and he and his wife run a ballroom dance school, and charge like $200 bucks for a lesson and he's always, like, dancing around with women and shit, and I'm like, dude - that's so gay.
DB1: Yeah, like, why don't you just go be, like, a male nurse or something!
DB2: [laughs uproariously] MALE NURSE! That's awesome. You can't make that shit up. I love it.
DB1: Yeah! So this Focker, he's a [giggles] male nurse, and he wants to marry this hot chick, but first he needs to get her dad's permission to take ownership of his property, because it's not like a grown woman is capable of making her own decisions, and would be angry rather than bemusedly tolerant of her father's inappropriate and borderline-abusive treatment of the man that she loves!
DB2: Whu-what?
DB1: Chicks know their place, and let the men duke it out because that's just how we roll.
DB2: Oh.
DB1: And the dad will be super-scary ex-CIA guy, but then he'll totally love sissy shit, like flowers and cats.
And don't even get me started on the sequel. For the sake of my blood pressure, I try to pretend that it doesn't exist.
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