First and foremost, allow me to congratulate you on becoming the first MP to take advantage of the first (albeit minority) Conservative government in office for 13 years to introduce a Private Member's Bill restricting abortion access[link to follow]. My own pick for this dubious honour was a certain Maurice Vellacott, but this is hardly the first time he has disappointed someone with his actions, or lack thereof.
However, while I missed the "who" I do want to assure you that I was bang-on in the "what" - as in, what kind of legislation would be introduced. As has been the case in the US, the fundamentalist-anti-abortion-legislation-wedge of choice seems to be what they charmingly refer to as "partial-birth abortions" (which, as long as we are completely making up supposed medical terms, I prefer to refer to as "red herrings distracting people from the erosion of bodily autonomy"). And in that regard, you have come through, with your law restricting abortion access after 20 weeks.

Fortunately, you have an answer to that - it's not that you don't trust women's judgment, it's that the poor fragile creatures simply aren't capable of handling the consequences of making their own choices:
If a woman is so ambivalent about having an abortion that she cannot make the decision until after she is in her 20th week, then a choice to terminate the pregnancy at this point is likely to be even more traumatic for her.
How terribly thoughtful of you to try and protect these women from the terrible, terrible situation of having to make and live with their own decisions! You are not only on a quest to save these helpless unborn babies, but also to save their hopeless mothers from being full human beings! It is so unbearably noble, I almost hesitate to point out that some women may, perhaps, feel perfectly qualified to make their own choices at whatever stage of the pregnancy they're in. And I am certainly even more hesitant to point out that some of the more hysterical ones may question even your qualifications to rule on the emotional consequences of a decision which you yourself could not, under any conceivable circumstance, face.
Yet I doubt that will persuade you. You have, in the face of epidemic poverty, rampant illness, international epidemics of child (and here I must distinguish between "living, breathing" child and "still technically a part of a woman's body" child) abuse and exploitation, chosen to devote yourself to bringing unwanted children into this world. I'm sure that the currently-endangered children completely understand your choice to ignore their needs in favour of the unborn, and are likely happy to rot away, alone and abandoned, if it means that you are doing your utmost to usher in their replacements. And if that isn't a morally sound decision, I suppose you don't really know what is.
PS. Get your own damn uterus.
Hey, you're Canadian? Cool. As for the honourable member for Huron Bruce, pfffffftttttt!
Sometimes it's good to live in a city. The property taxes are a bitch, but I'm in a solid NDP riding, and don't have to vote tactically for the Liberals in order to keep Sociopathic Halibut and his minions out.
By the name, and the fact that you're in a solid NDP riding, I'm guessing somewhere in Vancouver?
Yeah - the "honourable" member is a bit of a joke - but also a good reminder that the Libs have a nuts in the wings...
I hate to admit it, but I happen to agree with a ban on abortion after 20 weeks gestation, except in cases of genetic terminations, maternal mortality or morbidity risk or inevitable preterm delivery. I worked in high-risk OB for 14 years in the States and am fiercely pro-choice.
But approaching 20 weeks is approaching the point of individual viability and is a reasonable time frame within to make ones decision and take action (assuming there are no assinine restrictions unnecessarily impeding the progress of those actions).
In the case of genetic terminations, the tests which reveal life-threatening genetic conditions in the fetus are often not done until the 18th to 20th week, so one must make accomodations in those cases.
What we really need to do is provide for a woman's health throughout her lifetime, including her childbearing years, and including appropriate sexuality education, birth control, emergency contraception, early and easy access to prenatal care and ready access to abortion options well before the 20th week. With financial assistance to those who need it at any point in the process. That's where the issues lie, not in denying any abortion services following a given tick mark on the calendar.
And the partial birth abortion ban is bullshit at its highest. In 14 years at a perinatal center that served the highest-risk OB cases in all of southern New Jersey, I heard of the procedure being used only once or twice. It was only used when the fetus had a condition which was incompatible with life and which would pose a threat of harm or unecessary pain to the mother in pursuing a vaginal delivery unassisted by the procedure.
It's not about killing otherwise viable babies, at least not in the real world of hig-risk pregnancy care.
Thanks for listening. I'll shut up now.
: )
Thanks for your comments, Cheryl. It's great to hear from someone with real experience and perspective on these issues.
I think the part that, for me, makes non-regulated abortion the best option is that, with all of the factors you listed above put in place (sex education, financial assistance), there would likely never be any abortions later than the first term, and whatever ones there were would be under such extreme and extraordinary cases that I can't imagine needing laws for them. You would certainly know better than me on this point, but I can't imagine a women carrying through a pregnancy to the halfway mark and then suddenly deciding "Nah - this isn't really for me, after all."
But! There's still a lot of room for debate on the issue. Thanks for commenting.
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