A friend of mine recently went back to work after a year off battling breast cancer, just in time for to hear all about this wonderful example of humanity spout off about how women aren't capable about making their own decisions regarding their bodies. At a "welcome back" lunch, we got into a discussion about abortion regulation, and the random old guys who wander around with signs just across the street, and who the hell they think they are to tell women about the morality of her decision.
See, said friend is pretty young for a breast cancer survivor - 27 - and one of the main issues she's dealing with now is sex and reproduction, post-cancer. To help prevent a reoccurence, she a) cannot take any hormonal forms of birth control, and b) is on a series of drugs that ARE NOT compatible with healthy fetal development. She asked her doctor point blank what that would mean if she got pregnant - to which her doctor replied that it was her decision, but he would advise her to have an abortion.
Now sure - random old guys on the street, because they are "Christian" men and therefore possessing far superior moral judgement to a young woman (or a medical doctor) as far as the issue of pregnancy is concerned - would simply tell her that she shouldn't be having sex anyway, because there's nothing in this world more EVIL than non-married adults engaging in consensual sexual behavior.
BUT! Here's the sticky point - she IS getting married. And, seeing as this story is taking place in Canada, I should clarify that she is getting married to a man.
So it's a very real possibility that some day in the next five years, she might have to walk past random old guys to get to the clinic, and they will wish they lived in a society where, sinless as they are, they could cast all sorts of stones at her (magic stones that hurt the murdering whore without touching the precious angel growing inside her).
Now, some may say that, to be fair, I should accept the possibility that the random old guys would probably understand if she explained her situation to them. They would probably accept her decision, and feel compassion that she was faced with so many challenges and such a young age.
But to anyone who says that, I say: SO FREAKIN' WHAT? Oh, would they understand? Would they be compassionate? Would they tell her she's not making Jesus cry - this time? Wow, what a couple of saints! What truly phenomenal human beings they are - a woman made a personal decision affecting her body and her body alone - and after a detailed explanation, they considered it justified! STOP THE PRESSES - here are the wisest, most noble of men! Yes, there! Hiding behind the "I'm a child, not a choice" signs!
Here's the thing about being pro-choice - it means that no woman, ever, anywhere, under any circumstances, needs to justify her decision to ANYONE BUT HERSELF. Not to her friends, not to her family, and certainly not to complete strangers who spend their whole day protesting abortions while thousands of children in this city alone go hungry.
It is her body, it is her business, and I am so goddamn TIRED of people who think that they should have the right to decide what are "good" and "bad" reasons for abortions. There is only one good reason for an abortion - that she wants one. There is only one bad reason for abortion - that someone else is forcing her to get one.
That is why it's "pro-choice", NOT "pro-abortion", and if people are so thick-skulled they can't understand that, then they have no place making moral decisions for THEMSELVES, let alone anyone else.
a) It's not a "child" until it's capable of existing outside of my body. That's the clear demarcation between pro-birthers and pro-choicers. Except pro-choicers can see that theirs is an opinion. Pro-birthers believe their position constitutes a fact.
b) I have long marveled that the majority of pro-birth demonstrators I've seen in action have been people with absolutely no personal stake in the issue...men (many 'older') and nuns. I've even seen people bring children of 10-12 to these things. How fucking sick is that?
c) I have to disagree that it is exclusively a woman's personal choice at any point in the pregnancy. I left a comment on the post you referenced above regarding that position. Obviously, pregnancies beyond 24 weeks gestation are at the point of potential viability with quality of life and someone needs to begin considering the fetus as a separate entity at the point of viability. Prior to 20 weeks, however, it's nobody's fucking business but my own and I couldn't agree with you more.
Yeah, I agree the sticking point is viability - and with any luck, actual real science will progress and help sort out a lot of that.
And of course they bring little Timmy and Janey to the pro-life demonstrations - nobody's too young to learn that all of life's complexities are actually very simple, black and white issues, right?
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