Tuesday, November 30, 2004

The Great Uniter, after all.

Goddamm...I had written an awesome, several-paragraph long entry, and then the server failed. No, I didn't save it. Maybe I'll try to re-create it tonight. It was about the protests on the Hill. Also it had an awesome link to the last Bush protest I was at. Sorry, that's all you're getting for now...don't cry for too long.


Courtney said...

Yes, please give us an update on the Bush visit soon! I was thinking about you yesterday when he good old George W (said "double-ya") was in Ottawa. In fact, I had a dream about you too. It was a whole big high school reunion in Ottawa and we were going out for supper. You, me, Erin, Anna, Erica, Nathan, and the gang. You lived in a cool old building that was like a castle and there was a swimming pool outside. We split up on the way to the restaurant and I got lost and was wandering around Ottawa getting worried. But alas, I finally found you and it was all good.

floyd said...

Nath'n, that's 'cause you were part of the gang, even if you did go to (gasp!) Claremont. You were an honourary Stellyer...stelly'sian...stellite...uh, Stellian!

And holy cow - 10 years since Bayside. Whoa. Daryl just started there too, so I feel extra old! I still remember when we found out that the school was going to be called Bayside, and I was all excited 'cause Zack Morris was the dreamiest...

Courtney said...

How could I forget about the first guy who gave me a flower, not to mention my first marriage proposal? (in fact my ONLY marriage proposal, I might add). Ah, memories.

Courtney said...

...but yes, it is funny how you're grouped into high school memories. I guess as times goes by the line between Bayside and Stelly's gets a bit muddled too.