[author's note: Blogger is NOT on this list because this is the second goddamn time I'm writing this. Fucking Blogger. Ahem. Here it is, from memory:]
[author's second note: fuck fuck fucking computers. This time I saved the HTML in Word. Fuck you fuckers!]
No rant today, just some random awesome things.
A few weeks ago, Nate got some new photos, and I thought the "Le Tired" one was pretty awesome and I wondered what the context was...then along comes Ironwoman, sending me this extremely funny link. "Shit shit who the fuck is shooting us!" Aw, serendipity.
I, like many others, like to shout things at other drivers because I am a crazy person operating under the belief that this will somehow make them drive less like assholes. One of my favourites is shouting things at speeders like "Where's the fire?" and "Hurry! That baby won't deliver itself!" Ah - good thing I'm not a cop.
Here's one for any of you who's ever had this fear, only to be told be your skiing companions "Hahhahahaha what a moron, geez Laura!" Or whatever your name may be.
But not as big a moron as: Jason Kenney, who (allegedly) (ooh, look at me and my fancy journamalistic talk) went on a radio talk show this morning blasting the government's Kyoto plan. The kicker? At one point, he apparently stated that "trees and plants produce C02". Aw, Jason, Jason, Jason. Here's one on the house.
For some correct usage of gender terms and just all-around awesomeness, check out the latest Strongbad e-mail.
Alright - that's all the awesomeness I have time to remember today. Feel free to post your own in the comments section.
Oy, and here's one from MK all the way in Vic City - first he was king of the world, now he's saving it! [editor's note - thanks to the eagle-eyed Megan for noticing this link was unlinky]
Re: CO2, a certain "silly person" in our poli sci class noted one day that perhaps one could get "too much of a good thing" (she was referring to O2). Who DEFENDS CO2? I know our plant friends need it, but I haven't heard of any plants dying from a lack of CO2 lately, have you? Good thing we've got Leo on our side(http://www.leonardodicaprio.org/ I think your link is missing a letter).
Okay Laura, it's been awhile. I have however, been inspired by random reconnecting of old school buds and decided to find you. Can I say I was so completly blown away by your brilliant, witty and total wicked writing and insight! Dude your so right on! You should be PM! Hell yah! I'd vote for you! Oh yeah and can I say your blog was the most entertaining thing I've ever read on the interweb, like, ever? Rock on baby!
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