Monday, October 27, 2008

The Laws of Traffic vs. the Laws of Physics

As I subtly alluded to in a previous post, one of the many things that I am still readjusting to upon my return to Vic City is the complete and utter faith pedestrians have here in the reflexes, attention span and general good-nature of drivers.

Living downtown means I don't do a lot of driving, which is probably a good thing, because years of living in O-town means that I am simply not used to pedestrians taking their lives into their own hands like this. Maybe it's the close proximity to Montreal (where, according to a recent study of my own anecdotal data and third-hand horror stories, being hit by a car while on the sidewalk is the second-leading cause of death, behind only choking on a frozen Joe Louis). Maybe it's the fact that crosswalks were obscured for half the year. Maybe it's the fact that nobody walked anywhere (which was certainly true based on my three years of living in the 'burbs, where DD and I were often the ONLY pedestrians, especially in the ginormous strip mall which was, in all fairness, actually three strip malls in a row, but still, people, do you really need to drive 150m from the Loblaws to the Wal-Mart? Do you? Really? You do? Yeah? ...okay, then.)

And certainly, my few brief months in France left me no more trusting in the driver-pedestrian relationship, either. (Although it did leave me a few pounds heavier and with a good appreciation of grocery store wine and unpasteurized cheeses, so we'll call that one a win.)

Now, let me be clear - it's not that I dispute the legal right-of-way of pedestrians. It's just that I put my faith in the laws of physics over the laws of traffic. The latter gives pedestrians right of way. The former allows me to predict the winner when "metallic structure moving at high velocity" takes on "soft, fleshy object". And this certainly dictates how I pedestrianate...pedestriage...pedest...walk around.

And, again, I do quite a bit of this. And Vic City has crosswalks EVERYWHERE. And when I come to one, I continue to be amazed at the consistency with which even three lanes of traffic will all come to halt when I approach the street. Quite honestly, it freaks me the hell out. How did they know I wanted to cross the street before I even made it to the crosswalk? Who are these people? WHY YOU WATCHING ME?????

So, it's been an adjustment from both sides. Yet even as I continue to get back into the "pedestrians ARE going to step out right in front of you, so you better start braking as soon as you see one, just in case" style of driving, I hope I never slip into that category of pedestrian. After all, I remain a soft, fleshy object.

At least until I save up enough for that custom-made titanium exoskeleton. Then it's jaywalk city, my friends.


Anonymous said...

It's sooooooo true!!! They are also so much more aware of cyclists in "Vic city" too.

Did I ever tell you my ring road story? My first year at UVic I didn't leave the campus bubble much, so little in fact I got used to only checking for traffic in one direction. Which almost ended up with me being a crushed fleshly being, when I ventured off campus far enough to find traffic going in 2 directions.

I remember being one of the weirdos with you walking around the strip mall! They probably even end up walking further since they have to make all the trips to the car.

Another great post Floyd! It makes me miss Vic city :(

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine who is from Montreal, lived in Ottawa for years and then drove across Canada to live in Vancouver nearly ran down several pedestrians as he made the transition. He had no idea drivers out West stop for pedestrians and he almost took out a few on his own on the prairies.

floyd said...

Oooh, Scooter, the ring road strikes again! And yeah, it was weird walking around the strip mall, wasn't it? Like it was populated entirely by cars, but no people...

And Payton, glad to hear I'm not the only one making the slow transition to non-pedestrian-threatening driver from back East...

Anonymous said...

That's so funny - I've a story for ya... A man from the West coast was out on the East coast and seeing a pedestrian going to cross the street stops to let him cross - the pedestrian runs up to the car screaming "WHAT ARE YOU DOING STOPPING LIKE THAT!?! ARE YOU TRYING TO GET ME KILLED!?!?"

haha its funny because I set it up like a joke when its not really a joke at all. At any rate if you want to feel the joins of cars NOT stoping a cross walks come and visit my paretns on E Saanich. Cars frequently try to run over my mom and Otto. Ahhh home sweet home!