Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Great Canadian Stereotype Contest

These guys are officially my new heroes. "No Iranian is going to beat us on our home turf." BWAH! Love it. I think I'm going to learn a lot about Jewish stereotypes from this contest. (Like how I learned that there's a "Jews are cheap" from watching this past season of The Apprentice.)

It reminded me of a story Mo told me about a follow Quebecor being at a table with his football teammates, and one of them kept making jokes about, like, fried chicken, and he didn't understand why, and then another teammate was like, "It's because I'm black", so Quebec dude was like, "Oh, riiiiiight" but he still didn't get it, and neither did Mo, and neither do I, because we are all completely unfamiliar with black stereotypes.

But we were all over the French/English stereotypes, and even tried for a while to address each other in regional/linguistic slurs ("Hey, you tree-hugging hippie, if you're not too busy eating organic yoghurt and smoking pot, it's your turn to wash the dishes!" "Oh, go shack up with your boyfriend, poutine-eater".) If anyone else has any great Canadian stereotypes, please add them to the comments! That way, everyone wins! So it's not really a contest so much as it is...not a contest. But anyway...

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