Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Gaaahhh...so I'm doing the final packing for my trip now. Everything into one large duffel bag and my back-pack. Yup, it's all going to fit. Of course it will. No problem. All my stuff for five months is going to fit in this bag RIGHT NOW DAMMIT JUST FIT YOU STUPID THINGS I HATE YOU ARRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!

And so on. Actually, I'm not at the "putting stuff in a bag stage" yet, I'm still at the "putting stuff in piles and simultaneously laughing and crying at all the stuff I thought I could bring" stage. Well, really, I'm at the "too overwhelmed from laughing and crying at the piles that I needed to procrastinate, hey! I 'll write in my blog" stage.

SEX!!!: Now that I have your attention, don't forget to e-mail me your mailing addresses! I'll have mine posted shortly if you want to send me stuff (like Kraft Dinner, y'know, they don't sell it in France). I will definitely be sending and responding to e-mails as well.

So, in review: Packing is hard. Laura is procrastinating. Send me your mailing addresses. E-mail is good. The End.

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