Thursday, January 29, 2004

The theme of today's post is: spot the three surprising pieces of information! And here we go...

So, it's been awhile since my last post - really, the story behind that is a tragic epic...or an epic tragedy, whichever. We've been having constant problems with our computer/internet provider. I, as the most technically proficient of the group, have spent anywhere between six and 10 hours a week pulling out my hair and muttering, I mean, fixing said problems. Which I think I've done...knock on wood. But still, it's meant that access to the Net has been a rare commodity in Guideland. So, apologies for delays in e-mails and such.

In the continuing narrative of driving in France, I have so far piloted the ginormous (giant and enormous) guide van three times. French drivers are even more frightening, and the road signs even more bewildering, when you're behind the wheel. However, aside from forgetting that an even more ginormous tractor-trailer had right of way coming from the right, it all went relatively well.

I had intended to post something last Saturday, when I was walking around sans jacket, about the gorgeous whether here, but it's a good thing I didn't. Otherwise I'd be all "Yum yum, these words are delicious! A little chewy though." Reason being, we're currently under 6 inches of snow. Apparently it hasn't snowed like this in over a decade. Strangely enough, the Canadians are now the fastest drivers on the road, with few French daring to go over 30km/h where they once went more than 100km/h.

For those of you playing along, the three surprising pieces of information are:

1) That out of six educated 20-somethings, I am the most technically proficient.
2) That I lived to tell about my driving experiences.
3) That the French can actually drive slowly under certain rare circumstances.

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