In the last couple of months, I've been exposed repeatedly to so many "arguments" against gay marriage that I thought I must have heard them all. But then we got this fax today that just blew my mind. It started out according to the norm, what with traditional this and family that and the mandatory passage from the Old Testament (Genesis 2 v 24 in this case - oh Creationism, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...uh...hmmm...).
And then he listed the potential negative consequences of same-sex marriage: blah blah Family, blah blah Sanctity of Marriage, yada yada Rising cost of healthcare (I've actually heard a version of this before, from some dude who said he saw "medical research" that says that a lifetime of anal sex damages the excretory and digestive systems, so that all these old gay men will be running around with colostomy bags. I guess maybe colostomy bags are expensive? I think that's a great excuse for all the ladies out there who don't want to let their male partners in the backdoor: "Well gee, Bobby, I'd love to, but I think it would be an unfair burden on the Canadian healthcare system!") and so on.
And then, right at the bottom, came this little gem. The one thing that, I had assumed, you could NEVER say about gay marriage, that was arguably one of its strongest assets, that, unless you were raised by the most prudish people alive and kept in a bubble you would not say:
"Rising cost of welfare payments - due to casual relationships and children born out of wedlock"
And I thought to myself, "Self? This cannot be what he means. He cannot mean this."
'Cause if he does? I am going to send him a picture. Or two. Or four. And if he has a heart attack and dies - well, rising costs of healthcare be damned.
TODAY'S FUNDY FACT: 90% of all anti-equal marriage letters have those little sticky personalized address labels on them. Many of these labels have pictures of kittens. I have no idea what this means.
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