Thursday, February 17, 2005


Oooh, fun with ratios! Want to guess what it is?

a)Odds of Catalina Sandina Moreno winning Best Actress this year
b)Amount of time Floyd spends watching reality TV vs. time spent actually living in reality
c)Number of times Bush has pronounced "nuclear" incorrectly vs. correctly
d)Ratio of e-mails received this morning supporting Bill C-38 to those against.

Have you guessed? That's right, the correct answer is e)-All of the above! Or, more exactly, d). 'Cause this morning, there were over 1200 new e-mails for me to go through - and only 12 of them were against...well, it's hard to tell what these people are against. Mostly they're against other people, I guess. Based on the faxes we've been getting, these people are against eating with two knives or two forks at a time. I kid you not. Fuckwads.

Anyway, ain't nothing gonna break my stride. The debate started in the house yesterday, with the PM kicking things off. All in all, a pretty solid speech and one, which I might add, went up on his website as soon as he started speaking. Read along with Paul! Harper spoke next, but in all honesty, I didn't really listen 'cause I had to work and also because, as I've said before , his position is kind of crap.

But these two, frankly, were just the warm-up act for who was up next - the Silver Fox, aka Gilles Duceppe. 'Cause seriously? Dude rocked the house. He was eloquent and passionnate and hardly even looked at his notes. He even kicked Maurice Vellacott's ass all over the place, and I always enjoy watching a self-righteous snot get taken down a notch or two or 10. I'm thinking of ordering a tape, actually, because written words don't really do it justice. Suffice it to say, Vellacott was being a condescending smart-ass and Duceppe responded in English and smacked him down but hard. I just hope he doesn't argue this convincingly for Quebec sovereignty...

The NDP speaker was Bill Siksay, one of three openly gay MPs in the House, and his speech was really personal and touching. You'd have to be a pretty cold-hearted bastard to look someone like that in the face afterwards and say "Nope, still don't want your relationships to be as valued as mine!" But it still happened.

Anyway, as I said, correspondence has been overwhelmingly supportive. I've been keeping since the beginning, and overall it's about 3:1 for and against. Not bad when you consider that I've received about 15,000 messages. Still, I'd appreciate it if equal-marriage opponents would stop being so batshit crazy.


Anonymous said...

Bill Siksay, Scott Brison and Libby Davies? Why did I think there were more than three openly gay MPs? I guess because everyone knows who the closeted ones are. Also, who is this masked blogger? This person at forlettersandforworse is awesome.

floyd said...

Actually, Brison's still pretending he's in the closet. Réal Ménard is the third. I found it pretty surprising too, since we both know that means the House closet is pretty crowded...although, who can blame them if coming out means being harassed by their colleagues?

Anonymous said...

So glad Vellacott got his ass handed to him, although with his wit I doubt he even realized it. After two months of that mofo avoiding the campaign trail, so as not to answer questions on this and abortion, and then subsequently losing to him, I'm glad someone is laying the smack down on this dude. Arghhh...

floyd said...

I agree, I don't think Vellacott realized he'd just been spanked. You ever look at your elected officials and think "Man, if this is the product of democracy..." Actually, I'm sure we all do. Yeah, I'm looking at you, ROB ANDERS.

Anonymous said...

Damn is that House of Commons closet crowded. So officially the Liberals have no gay MPs? HA! Also, why is it that Alberta has a couple of reasonable Conservatives, while SK has...NONE?

Anonymous said...

Floyd, as usual, you are the funniest chick in town. Nothing warms up my cold Scottish days more than your blog. And you're damn right about the Silver Fox - he's so hot!
I think Brison came out in his hometown before the election, or so I hear. My favourite story is about his little dog, Scandal - as he says, "Where Scott goes, Scandal follows."